Exact at 19.49 UK time (BST)

This is the second of the Eclipses this season, and it surely is a potent little Moon! This is a micro-Moon, so it appears smaller than usual in the night sky and will create a ring of fire when the Moon passes over the Sun, for those who are able to see the Eclipse. We had the Pisces Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on 18 Sept, which was a time for releasing the past so that we can allow and make room for the next chapter to come in. This New Moon/Solar Eclipse has the potential to be a powerful reset in the realm of our relationships, intimate and otherwise, setting the tone for the next six months and helping us to kickstart this new phase of our lives.

The theme of this New Moon/Eclipse is relationships. Eclipses activate the Nodal Axis, and the Nodes are currently in Libra and Aries, which is the relationship axis. With the South Node currently in Libra, we are called to let go of any of the more undesirable or unhealthy aspects of Libra, such as people pleasing, or codependency, or compromising ourselves, or turning a blind eye to any issues in our relationships from a fear of being alone, or losing ourselves in relationship, or prioritising other people’s needs over our own which can then lead to resentment.

We are currently being called to balance the energies of Libra and Aries, learning to embrace the qualities of the Aries North Node while still utilising the healthier aspects of Libra, such as tact, fairness, balance, equality, kindness and consideration. Aries invites us to cultivate a stronger sense of self, and to practice prioritising our own needs while also tending to the relationship itself. In an ideal world, a relationship is an equal balance of give and take. Aries is a direct, forthright, honest energy, and so we are called to be more authentic and open, even if it means having to confront thorny issues. It is possible to stick up for ourselves and to express our needs without putting the other person’s back up. Aries invites us to find out who we are, what we want and why we are here.

The Nodes of the Moon have been in Libra and Aries since July 2023 and are getting close to the end of the process, as they will move into Virgo and Pisces on 11 January 2025. Aries calls for us to focus on self-care, personal growth and self-love. We are asked to be brave, to take the initiative, to take risks, to step outside of our comfort zone and to create better boundaries and learn to say “No” if it doesn’t feel right for us. It can feel uncomfortable to stand more firmly in ourselves, balancing our Libran capacity for harmony and peace with our Aries capacity for courageous independence and putting ourselves first. Aries teaches us that it is ok to be a little selfish, even though it is a way of being that has been somewhat vilified. If we don’t take care of ourselves then what use are we to anyone else?

Interestingly, Mars and Venus, the rulers of Aries and Libra, are dancing with each other during this Moon, in a Grand Water trine which includes Saturn in Pisces. This feels very encouraging for this New Moon as we herald in a new chapter for our relationships. Saturn’s influence can help to strengthen and solidify our relationships, somehow making them more concrete, while also helping to strengthen our boundaries and capacity to assert ourselves in a mature manner. It can also help us to create a solid foundation upon which to build feelings of trust and a sense of safety that allows us to be more open, assertive and vulnerable. If we feel safe, then we have a more secure base from which to spring from out into the world.

With Venus currently in Scorpio we are invited to develop deeper intimacy and connection within our relationships and to dare to reveal and expose the parts of us that we might usually keep hidden from view because they might feel shameful or “not allowed”. Mars in Cancer encourages us to act in nurturing ways towards one another, which can create the feeling of safety that enables us to open up emotionally and to dare to reveal the softer, tender, more vulnerable parts of ourselves. What a beautiful combination of planets to have playing with each other during this Eclipse! It brings a mixture of emotional depth, grounding, compassion, trust, nurturing, loving boundaries, commitment and the capacity to tend to our relationships with a sense of personal responsibility, maturity and patience.

Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, is also a very big part of this Moon, as it is sitting right next to the Sun and Moon in Libra. This puts a very big emphasis on the art of communication and encourages us to truly listen to one another. It is so important to feel that we are seen and heard, and to give our full attention to our loved ones when they are expressing themselves. Mercury in Libra can help us to express ourselves with kindness, fairness and consideration for others feelings. Good, clear, honest communication combined with deep listening, is such a strong component in a healthy, conscious relationship, as it prevents misunderstanding, ambiguity and confusion. The Aries North Node is encouraging us to stand strong in our genuine, authentic selfhood, while Mercury in Libra reminds us that it is possible to be ourselves and assert healthy boundaries in a kind, loving and peaceful manner.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon/Eclipse is an interesting one, at 11° Libra: A professor peering over his glasses at his students” which Dane Rudyar describes as: “Problems attending the transmission of knowledge in a special cultural setup. This symbol reveals a rather humorous approach to what man’s mind can accomplish. The symbol reveals two aspects of the condition of “professor-ship” – that is, of being able to transfer to the young generation the vast sum of knowledge accumulated by the past. The need to absorb this enormous amount of book knowledge affects the mind as well as the eyes; in order to meet the demands of turbulent youth, the teacher in a sense has to look above this knowledge and to see his students simply as human beings. This symbol deals at the intellectual level with the teaching of accumulated collective knowledge, and the problem posed by the acquisition of that knowledge. This is what INSTRUCTION means – a process not to be confused with “education.””

We are encouraged, with this symbol, to truly “see” each other for who we are, with new eyes, recognising our individual needs rather than projecting our rational understanding and viewpoint onto each other. We all like to truly feel seen, “got” and understood, and so this Moon encourages us to develop and refine the art of listening and paying attention to one another, as well as being clear and concise around expressing our own needs. This Moon heralds a new chapter in our relationships and could signify a continuation of the energy of the Solar Eclipse on 8 April this year. There is also a link to the Libra New Moon/Solar Eclipse on 3 October 2005, so it could help to look back to what was going on in our lives at that time.

On a personal level, this Eclipse is a turning point that brings the potential for a new chapter in our relationships, both intimate and platonic, while on a collective level we could find that any unresolved conflicts become more apparent and demand resolution. Libra ultimately seeks peace and harmony, and can tend to avoid confrontations, while Aries asks us, both personally and collectively, to face any challenges or issues that come up with Libran grace, fairness, kindness and diplomacy. It’s all about finding balance!

Much Love



Picture: Ring of Fire - Unknown


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