PISCES FULL MOON - 14 September 2019
Exact at 5.32am
BST, 12.32am EDT.
There is a lot going on during this Moon that has the
potential to cause a state of overwhelm, so it is very important indeed that we
take time out to be kind to ourselves. Things tend to come to a head during
Full Moons, and as the tides swell and so do our emotions. With Neptune, the
God of the ocean and ruler of this Moon sitting right next to the Moon herself
we could literally find ourselves overcome with emotion, so overwhelmed that we
can’t see clearly. This combination brings the potential for being swept along
by the mood of the moment, as if we are at the mercy of forces much larger than
ourselves. It also brings the possibility of great empathy, compassion and
sensitivity that helps us to truly connect with others and to be aware that
when it comes down to it we are all just souls having the human experience.
This Moon in Pisces could cause us to feel a little
over-sensitive, however, as if our skins are a bit thinner than usual. Our
imaginations could also run wild in the wrong direction, causing anxiety, worry
and overwhelm, making us want to just bury our heads in the sand and not
confront whatever we are facing. Pisces energy is that part of us that likes to
procrastinate or escape somehow in order to avoid the reality of our situation.
The thing is, however, that it doesn’t go away if we act like an ostrich, but
rather it just gets bigger and bigger in our own minds! It is far better to
face it head-on, as things are never as bad as they can seem in our
imaginations. Anxiety is a byproduct of the Virgo/Pisces experience and could
be rife during this Full Moon. Indeed, with a stellium of planets travelling
through Virgo for the past couple of weeks, we have been dealing with a certain
amount of chaos, stress, worry and even downright panic!
With the Sun in Virgo sitting directly opposite the Moon in
Pisces we are asked to find some balance between the energy of the two signs
rather than veering too far in one extreme. The extreme of Virgo can bring some
kind crisis, whereby something happens that forces us to take stock and
recognise what is out of balance and what needs to change in order to make
everything right again. It can also cause us to over work, stressing our
systems and making us run around like headless chickens getting nowhere fast!
Virgo is the part of us that can so easily get caught in a spiral of negative
thinking that makes whatever we are facing to seem insurmountable and much
bigger than it actually is. We can so easily create mountains out of molehills,
so we must simply remember to ground ourselves and just take one step at a time
instead of collapsing in a state of panic and paralysis!
This Pisces Moon reminds us to take time out to smell the
roses, letting go of the need for everything to be perfect and allowing it to
just be as it will be. Virgo is that part of us that can be so very hard on
ourselves, criticising ourselves and others mercilessly for our shortcomings
and flawed humanity, while Pisces reminds us that we are beautiful in all our
imperfection. Pisces teaches us acceptance of what is and helps us to simply
let go and go with the flow of the river. Then we will find some much needed
peace. Virgo is busy trying to create a system that works, analysing every
little detail to make sure it is effective, while Pisces simply accepts things
as they are and recognises that wherever we end up will be the right place for
Jupiter is forming a challenging square aspect to the Sun
and Moon, which could greatly exaggerate whatever we are feeling and facing
during this Moon. Jupiter tends to magnify the energy of the planet he is in
contact with, and so this expands the potential for overwhelm and means that
our emotions could be quite “big” during this Moon. It is quite possible, with Jupiter being in
Sagittarius, that we may find ourselves bombarded with so many different
beliefs and opinions that it might be hard to see the wood for the trees. We
may need to use some Virgoan discernment and discrimination to separate the
wheat from the chaff. This Moon certainly holds the potential for some very
strong opinions and views to be aired, which could be overwhelming, aggravating
and upsetting, We could also experience some kind of loss of meaning or faith,
whereby we wonder what it’s all about anyway!
With the Sun and Mars joining forces in Virgo just before
the Full Moon, it is important to watch out for our egos getting the better of
us. These are two yang energies which could cause clashes of wills and disputes
over differing beliefs and opinions. There is also the possibility, with
Jupiter squaring this strong duo, of pushing ourselves so hard that we
experience fatigue or health issues. The Pisces Moon is asking us to slow down
and take time out to take care of ourselves, as all this energetic, busy, stressful,
perfectionistic Virgo energy could really take its toll if we’re not careful.
Mars is exactly opposite Neptune during this Moon, which asks us to take care
of our physical and spiritual health, as
this combination could cause us to feel a bit discouraged and low on energy. It
also means that people may not be as direct as we would like, because Neptune
and Mars combinations can bring passive aggression and indirect or deceptive
action. A Venus Mercury conjunction could bring some smooth talking on the one
hand, while it could also help us to negotiate and come to some kind of
compromise and peaceful solution to whatever we are facing. Amazing things can
happen when we put our heads together for a common cause, in the spirit of
harmony and peace.
All of this is occurring with the backdrop of yet another
conjunction between Saturn and the South Node of the Moon in Capricorn. Saturn
and the South Node have been dancing with one another since April, and this is
the last time they will meet. We are being confronted with some very big
lessons from our past, with the potential for the past repeating itself in ways
that are not comfortable at all. Capricorn is the sign of government, the
patriarchy, control and parental and societal authority, and we are currently
being given a heavy dose of the shadow side of this energy. With the North Node
in Cancer, we are being asked to allow the walls to come down and show our
vulnerability rather than trying to pretend that we have everything under
control. This is playing out both personally and collectively. The old order is
crumbling, in chaos and Virgoan crisis, and Cancer is beckoning us forward,
asking us to find another way of being that is more inclusive and for the good
of all rather than serving the few.
Cancer is the sign of family, the home, our roots, the
mother, and is a nurturing sign that is led by its feelings. It encourages us
to let our defences down and admit that sometimes we just don’t have the
answers, and to let go of hard control. It simply isn’t working anymore! Cancer
has more focus on the community and how we can all take care of one another. Cancer
reminds us that if we each do the inner work and do our best as a human being then
it will ripple outward and make a difference to the whole. With Saturn on the South
Node we are facing some pretty harsh lessons right now, on both a personal and
collective level. The macrocosm and the microcosm are the same. Saturn is the
lord of karma, and so we are witnessing and experiencing some difficult karma
being played out at the moment. Some extremely challenging material is being
faced which has its roots in the past, and we are being shown all too clearly how
we are repeating old, entrenched patterns. The dark side of Capricorn and the
patriarchy, with its fear-based control, elitism, prejudice and intolerance is
rising up to be fully seen, as Pluto in Capricorn exposes the rot and makes it
all so transparent that it is hard to deny.
It is very important, however, not to succumb to fear. This
Virgo season certainly seems to be bringing things to a head, creating chaos and
crisis, but maybe this is a necessary process because it means that we simply
cannot bury our heads in the sand anymore. Virgo is great for finding
solutions, as long as we don’t allow our anxiety and fear to get the best of
us! One step at a time! This Moon certainly does feel like a call to action,
but it could also bring to a head any feelings of overwhelm or stress that we
may have been feeling. However, Pisces asks us to just take time out and tend
to ourselves, because it is very likely that we will be feeling quite tender,
raw, drained and open from this whole process. Pisces gently reminds us that we
are all essentially the same, even those who we judge or condemn for their
actions. We are asked to find kindness and compassion in our hearts for
ourselves and others, accepting ourselves as we are rather than judging
ourselves for what we are not. Pisces is a unifying sign that reminds us that
we all come from the same melting pot, and that what happens to one happens to
all. As above, so below. As within, so without. One Love.
Much Love
Painting: Overwhelm, by Catherine Foster
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