Exact at 5.25am BST, 12.25am EDT.

This is a very powerful Full Moon, as not only is it the last of the set of three eclipses this month but it is also a Supermoon! Full Moons symbolise an emotional climax when anything that may have been bubbling below the surface of our consciousness comes to a head, while Supermoons amplify the effect of the Moon on our emotions, bodies and spirits and can cause a shift in our perception and perspective. This is also the last in a series of Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses which began in June 2011, so a cycle which began then may be coming to an end or reaching a state of completion. Indeed, there is a sense of climax and completion to this Full Moon on many levels. Compared to the raw, emotionally intense energy of the Scorpio Full Moon, this Moon should be far more buoyant and fun-filled, lifting us up so that we can shoot for the stars in true Sagittarius style! Indeed, it may lift us up so high that it is hard to stay grounded in the real world, and it certainly feels like the tempo is increasing with all the lively and enthusiastic Fire and Air energy in this Full Moon chart! This is welcome relief after the heavy intensity of the past couple of Moon cycles, combined with the transforming and turbulent energy of the Pluto Uranus square. The energy of the square is now waning, although it's effects will still be felt for a little while longer.

Sagittarius is the archer, half man, half beast, who aims his bow and shoots his arrows up to the heavens. He reminds us to stay in touch with our more instinctual nature while also connecting with the higher side of ourselves. He seeks to understand the universe and all her mysteries and to discover the truth which underlies everything, and he isn't afraid to go out into the world to find it! He has ultimate faith in a higher power that guides him, which makes him optimistic, enthusiastic, confident and willing to try his luck at anything. His belief that he is somehow guided means that even the most challenging or difficult situations are embraced, as they have something to teach him and ultimately help him expand and grow. Indeed, the theme of this Full Moon seems to be how our beliefs about ourselves and life affect the kind of reality we manifest for ourselves. We all have a set of beliefs that we carry around with us which may help or hinder us from achieving our full potential. Self-limiting beliefs such as “I always make things hard for myself” or “I'm not good enough” or “I don't deserve to be loved” will have a direct bearing on who and what we attract (or don't attract) into our lives. On the other hand, a bit of faith in ourselves and trust in the ultimate benevolence of the universe can go a long way toward creating a much more positive experience of life! We are the creators of our own reality, and this Full Moon may well serve as a reminder of how we limit ourselves though our thoughts and beliefs. Indeed, some deeply entrenched beliefs may be brought to light and stripped away as this Moon comes to a head, because they simply no long ring true for us any more and are only holding us back from realising our full potential.

Neptune in Pisces is a very big part of this Full Moon, as he is forming a challenging T-square to both the Sun and Moon. He has a tendency to make everything a bit chaotic and confusing, and we may find that we experience some quite overwhelming emotions during this Moon. We might also feel a bit spacey, giddy and ungrounded, and more emotionally sensitive than usual. It is important that we are kind to ourselves at this time and, funnily enough, I have literally found myself in the past couple of days deciding to start practising a lovingkindness meditation, which seem very appropriate indeed for this Moon! Neptune is the planet of illusion, and in challenging aspect to the Sun and Moon it can mean that we may experience disillusionment as what we believed to be true turns out to be false. It is important for us to examine our beliefs at this time and weed out any which are unrealistic or limiting. Neptune may make us feel a bit disheartened about our goals and abilities, but basically we are being made aware of which are unrealistic and actually don't line up with our true path. There is a difference sometimes between what we think is right for us and what is actually best for us, and this Full Moon may well bring to light the ways in which we deceive ourselves.

Clarity may well come after the Full Moon is over however, for while it is happening Neptune may just make everything cloudy, confusing and chaotic, and difficult for us to figure out what is real and not real. It is important to remain present and listen to our hearts, because we do know deep inside what is right for us. This Moon may remind us that life is not a picture perfect fairy tale but rather a series of experiences which help us evolve and grow, some of which are easier than others! Neptune is helped along by grounding and realistic Saturn in Scorpio, and these two will actually be joined in harmony from now until August which is truly wonderful! Neptune is the dreamer of dreams, while Saturn has the power to actually ground those dreams in reality. Saturn in Scorpio has definitely been dredging up some pretty old, buried emotional gunk of late, bringing it all out into the open for it to be examined and let go of. On a global level a great deal of abuse of power has been brought out into the light of our consciousness in recent times and now Neptune adds some compassion, sensitivity and unconditional love to the picture and reminds us that we are all in this together. Neptune dissolves the illusion of separateness and reminds us that we all come from the same energetic stew, and what happens to one happens to us all. We may now have the opportunity to forgive ourselves and others and open our hearts to loving kindness towards ourselves and all living beings.

The ruler of the Sagittarius Moon is Jupiter (wisdom, expansion, growth) while the ruler of the Gemini Sun is Mercury (mind, intellect and communication). Jupiter is the higher, more intuitive mind (right brain) and Mercury is the rational, logical mind (left brain), and during this Moon the two of them are joining forces together with Venus (love, attraction, relating) in curious, adaptable and communicative Gemini. There is likely to be fair amount of social interaction and mental activity during this Moon methinks! We may be presented with opportunities for growth as Venus attracts, Jupiter expands and Mercury stimulates communication and is great at networking. Our intuition will probably be heightened as the higher mind and rational mind join together as one. The energy of this conjunction will continue to build until it is exact on Monday and Tuesday, which give the promise of quite a fun, light hearted and sociable weekend! It will be interesting to see what kind of experiences and opportunities we attract in the next few days, as they are quite likely to broaden our perception and open our minds with Jupiter involved in the picture! It certainly feels like there is going to be a lot of mental activity and hopefully our hearts and minds will be nicely aligned. Indeed, may we all use this opportunity to really speak from our hearts during this Moon!

This Moon is going to be a lively one, that's for sure! We just have to be careful that we stay somewhat grounded and don't get carried away into fantasy land! Sagittarius wants to shoot for the stars but Neptune may show us how our thoughts and beliefs hold us back from realising our full potential. We may have unrealistic expectations and be reaching for something that actually isn't right for us, or we may be holding ourselves back with our self-limiting beliefs. If we judge ourselves or feel somehow unworthy then we will attract people and situations which somehow reinforce those beliefs. This is a good time to be very aware of our thoughts and how they have an impact on our lives. I have a sense that our dreams will also have a lot to tell us in the next few days. It feels like we should practice sending kind, loving, positive affirmations to ourselves in order to push the negative, judgemental ones aside. Life might seem a bit odd and confusing during this Full Moon, but as long as we remain present and are true to our hearts we should also find it quite enlightening as we experience a shift in our perception somehow. What we thought was real may somehow turn out not to be. It is important that we remain in the present rather than worrying about the future or focusing on what has been. How we think and what we create in the here and now is the most important and should come from a loving, compassionate place. It is important that we aim our bows with clear intentions and we must shoot the arrow straight from our hearts. Of course we must also truly believe that we are good enough and actually deserve for it to reach its target! Oh, and also have enough faith that wherever it does land is exactly where it is supposed to be!

Much love



  1. I have been checking your site to see when you would post on this eclipse. It is conjunct my ascendant. I so appreciate your depthful, insightful, clear posts. They ring true to what I am currently experiencing and help me to see it with more perspective. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us here in cyberspace, in the big evolving mystery, in the wonder that is life. You have made my life a little better and a little different in the best of all ways through what you share on this site. Best to you.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment - I really appreciate it! I do like to get a bit of a feel for how the Moon energy might be manifesting before I write the posts, because I feel like they are more helpful that way. That is why I wait until it is almost full to write it! It is funny that you say that the eclipse is conjunct your ascendant, because it is exactly conjunct my descendant - the sun is conjunct my ascendant! I am waiting to see what might happen, but it all feels very positive so far...starting with the lovingkindness meditation! All the best to you too, and thanks again for your eloquent feedback. Amy xoxo


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