NEW MOON IN PISCES – Monday 11 March

 Exact at 7.51pm GMT, 3.51pm EST

This New Moon is the last one of the astrological calender and is a very powerful Moon for sowing seeds and setting intentions before the Spring Equinox, when Aries puts his foot on the accelerator and pushes us into high gear! New Moons signify the monthly union of the Sun (yang) and the Moon (yin) in the same sign and are the perfect time to decide what we want to bring forward and what we need to leave behind in the dark of the Moon. As such they are a time of letting go, and none more so than this New Moon! We are clearing the decks for action, cleansing ourselves for the new cycle, and this may or may not be an easy process! There does seem to have been a lot of anxiety, illness and chaotic feelings around in recent times! Pisces is a wonderful sign for a New Moon because it has magical manifesting qualities; the power of imagination, the ability to tap into the unseen realms and to create things as if from thin air. Now is the time to dream; to use our imaginations to come up with what we want so that when Aries season starts in a week or so we can put our dreams into action. Ultimately this is a perfect moon for cleansing our minds, bodies and spirits before the Spring Equinox, facing our shadows and leaving them behind in the Dark of the Moon. We all have an inner saboteur, and there is no better Moon than this one for understanding our self-defeating habits and patterns! We may have become all too aware of how we get in our own way over the past couple of weeks! Now is the time to treat ourselves with compassion and forgiveness and truly surrender to the flow of the universe, trusting that everything is happening exactly as it supposed to.

The Sun and Moon are entwined in sensitive and compassionate Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac and the sum of all of the signs who come before her. Pisces is incredibly receptive and helps us connect to the higher part of ourselves and the hidden realms. She can easily push her ego aside (otherwise known as the chattering monkeys!), stilling her mind and and tapping into source, thus receiving her guidance directly from the universe. This allows her to go with the flow, using her intuition to follow the cues and dance to the rhythm of the universe. Pisces imagination knows no bounds and her creativity is unsurpassed, again, because she allows her mind to get out of the way and channels the creativity of the universal force. She is highly sensitive and can pick up on subtle undercurrents that are easy to miss if you are not paying attention, which makes her a wonderful healer. She has an innate understanding that we are all connected and from the same melting pot, which makes her incredibly tender, compassionate and empathetic towards all living things. It would probably cause her great pain to accidentally step on a spider for instance, as what happens to one happens to all! Her receptivity means that she feels the pain of humanity and wants to do what she can to help others, although taken too far this can lead to martyrdom and being taken advantage of by more self-serving folks. Indeed, Pisces does also bring the possibility of chaotic emotions, escapism, not understanding boundaries, illusion/disillusionment, wishful thinking, deception and manipulation, so it is not all a bed of roses!

As this is the last New Moon of the astrological calender it represents the culmination of the whole year before and is a time for clearing and cleansing, which could brings some deep seated emotions to the surface as well as an awareness of our more self-defeating tendencies whose existence we may usually deny as they are buried deep in our unconscious. Not only are the Sun and Moon in Pisces, but we have had a plethora of planets in Pisces over the past couple of weeks, giving us an incredibly strong dose of Pisces energy! We also have Retrograde Mercury causing chaos and confusion, Venus (who is exalted in Pisces) bringing unconditional love, Mars bringing our energy levels and immune systems down, as well as Neptune (Pisces ruler) and Chiron (wounded healer) helping us heal old wounds and insecurities with compassion and forgiveness. That is quite a party! It has been some time since so many planets were in Pisces at once, and while our intuition and capacity for compassion may have been greatly heightened recently, we may also have been experiencing some quite chaotic emotions, confusion and anxiety as our imaginations get the better of us, making it all just a bit overwhelming for us at the moment! To add fuel to the fire, Jupiter in Gemini is forming a challenging aspect to retrograde Mercury during this Moon, so it may be hard to stop the chattering monkeys with all of their doubts and fears! Mercury Retrograde could have us feeling a bit more spaced out than usual, off in a dream world finding it hard to concentrate! This is definitely dream time and certainly isn't the time for hard control but rather a time for being as flexible as we possibly can so that we can adapt to whatever life has to throw at us. We should definitely get into the spirit of Pisces and practice going with the flow of the river rather than fighting against it.

Literally the day after the New Moon is exact Mars moves from dreamy Pisces into his own sign of Aries. Pisces rules the immune system and Mars rules our drive, motivation and energy levels, so it is quite possible that people have been feeling rather low energy over the past month with somewhat weakened immune systems. As a Pisces friend said recently, we are all constantly swimming around in a sea of bugs and bacteria and it is only when our defences are weakened that we allow them to attack our systems and make us sick. My sense is that if we haven't allowed ourselves the time to embrace the spirit of Mercury retrograde and Pisces season and be still for a moment so we can relax and restore the energy reserves, then the universe will have forced us into it. Sometimes it takes getting sick to truly surrender and give up the fight. Similarly, whatever happens to our bodies is merely a sign that something is awry in our energetic field, and can show us where we feel dis-ease. When Mars moves into his own sign it will mark the beginning of a much more energetic, motivated and active period which will move into full swing at the Spring Equinox on the 20th of April. Opportunities will then start to come thick and fast as the pace picks up so it is important to get some rest now while we can! Now is the time for meditation, reflection and recharging our batteries before we spring into action, all hands on deck!

This New Moon provides us with a wonderful opportunity to tap into the source and is an amazing time for healing, writing, creating, playing music, psychic work; anything which involves channelling universal energy. A walk in nature can also be an amazing way to connect to source. It is also a perfect time to look at the ways in which we contribute to our own undoing, getting to know our inner saboteur and allowing ourselves true compassion and forgiveness. It is so easy to forgive a friend and so much harder to forgive ourselves for the same thing! We should use Pisces' talent for visualisation and manifestation on this Moon, allowing our imaginations to roam free and picture exactly what it is for ourselves. It might even be worth drawing a picture of the life we want, or writing it down if that is preferred. Most importantly we should make sure that whatever we wish for is truly coming from our heart and soul, and that what we are striving for is really a reflection of our inner truth. We must take a leaf out of Pisces book, putting our faith and trust that we know deep inside what is best for us and that we just have to stop and listen. We do know deep inside when we are going against our truth, but so often we just ignore the warning signs and keep going anyway. It is only when we trust our inner voice and start to follow the path that brings us joy that life flows more easily and the opportunities start presenting themselves to us. It is when we ignore the subtle signs and go against our true soul's purpose we run into obstacles, feeling like we are blocked somehow. This Pisces New Moon asks us to stop and pay attention to the little whisper of our souls, for the more we listen the louder it will get!

Much love



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