LEO FULL MOON - 12 February 2025
Exact at 1.53pm UK time (GMT) This Full Moon has the potential to shake things up a bit, especially if anything is stuck, stale or restrictive in our lives. It also calls for us to listen to our hearts and follow the path of joy. Full Moons tend to bring to a head whatever has been building up over the previous week or so, illuminating anything that has been simmering beneath the surface. And Leo is no shrinking violet! Leo is a creative, expressive, playful sign that encourages us to shine our light brightly in the world. This is an ideal Moon to let our inner child out to play, allowing ourselves to be spontaneous and carefree. Leo is the part of us that likes to feel appreciated, special and seen, although it can go too far if we find ourselves seeking attention, approval and validation from outside of ourselves. Ultimately it is an inside job! It is Aquarius season right now, and the Sun in Aquarius is sitting directly opposite the Leo Moon, calling for us to find balance betw...