CANCER FULL MOON - 13 January 2025

Exact at 10.36pm UK time (GMT)

This Moon is a powerful one, that is for sure! There is a lot of strong planetary energy swirling around, as the majority of the planets are forming an aspect to the Sun and Moon in one way or another. The Moon is very much at home in Cancer, as she is the planetary ruler of this sensitive, emotionally intelligent, nurturing sign. However, we do also have Mars, the warrior planet, sitting right next to the Moon, so this could heat things up a bit and could bring out our more reactive, defensive, protective side! We could find ourselves more easily angered, and the more insecure, needy, vulnerable childish part of us could easily come to the fore. 

This is where the Capricorn Sun comes in. Sitting directly opposite the Cancer Moon, it provides some balance, helping us to take responsibility for ourselves and our reactions, parenting our inner child and gaining control over our emotions. Of course, Capricorn energy can go too far if we end up controlling our emotions so much that we suppress or hide them, whereas Cancer teaches us that allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and express our needs and emotions can be helpful sometimes because at least the other person knows what is going on and can help us. It’s a fine line, and in an ideal world we would have a nice balance between the two signs, expressing our needs and feelings in an emotionally mature manner, whereby we are taking full responsibility for ourselves while also feeling the feelings and allowing others in. 

We not only have Mars next to the Moon, but we also have Chiron in Aries squaring the Sun and Moon, which could add to any emotional reactivity! The square between the Sun and Chiron was exact on Thursday 9 January, and Chiron will square the Moon a few hours before the Moon is full. This could be a deeply healing time, from Tuesday 7 Jan onwards, although it could also be a bit painful as our core wounds could be activated, especially for those of us who have personal planets or angles around 19° of a sign. Chiron in Aries can help us to get things out into the open to be fully aired, including old grievances, past hurts, our insecurities and any resentments that we might be carrying. Ultimately this can be very helpful and healing, although the process could bring up anger, defensiveness, hurt, shame, regret and remorse. However, we have a wonderful opportunity to clear the past and move on. 

Luckily, help is at hand to help us to release, forgive and let go so that we can move on with lighter hearts. Firstly, Neptune is also forming a harmonious aspect to Mars, helping us to intuitively know when to act, and potentially dissolving any anger and resentment that simply no longer serves us. A big shift also happens this week that will affect us collectively and personally, as the Nodes of the Moon shift signs on Saturday 11 January, from Libra and Aries into Virgo and Pisces, which is the spiritual and healing axis. The South Node will be in Virgo and the North Node in Pisces for the next 18 months, calling for us to let go of any Virgo South Node tendencies to be hard on ourselves and others, or to over-analyse and worry, or to constantly feel like we need to be “doing”, or the need to be perfect, in control and completely on top of things. 

The Pisces North Node is calling for us to drop any criticism of ourselves and others in favour of compassion, love and forgiveness for our flaws and imperfections. Pisces reminds us that we are all simply human beings doing the best that we can with the tools we have been given. Sometimes we mess up and sometimes things get messy, and nobody is perfect! In fact, there is beauty in our imperfection. This next 18 months encourages us to let go, surrender control and truly embrace the flow of life, coming from a place of faith and trust that we are being guided in the right direction, and that all is as it is meant to be. Pisces reminds us to simply “be”, rather than “doing” so much, and invites us to nurture our connection to Spirit through meditation, prayer, creativity, dancing, singing and spending time in nature. 

Pisces can help us to let go of past hurts and move on in the spirit of true acceptance of what is. It is so beautiful that Neptune, ruler of this Pisces North Node, is supporting this Moon, adding more connectivity, sensitivity and compassion to the cosmic soup! This can help us to remember that we are all connected, as ultimately we all come from the same melting pot and are simply souls doing the best we can with the tools we have been given. It can help us to let go of any resentments, criticism, judgement or shame and to see ourselves and each other through the lens of empathy, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. 

The Cancer part of us can tend to cling to the past, and can easily put the blame outside of ourselves, while Neptune and Pisces can help us to forgive and let go, so that we can find peace in our hearts. We can either wallow in self-pity and victimhood or make the choice to see how all that has happened in our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly, has led to where we are now. We are encouraged to trust in the divine plan, and to accept that all is perfect just as it is, for then we can feel peace. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 27° of a sign will feel the ego-dissolving, unifying energy of Neptune most acutely, while those around 29° could feel the impact of the North Node moving into spiritual Pisces. The Neptune/Moon trine will be exact a few hours after the Moon is full, while the Sun/Neptune sextile will be exact on 17th January. 

There is so much going on during this Moon that I could probably write for days! Uranus is also supporting the Sun and Moon, helping bring clarity, insight and potential for somehow “waking up” to something that we hitherto couldn’t see or understand. Uranus always brings the potential for a change of perspective, and for shifts, changes and breakthroughs. Those of us with planets and angles around 23° of a sign will be feeling the erratic, shifting, awakening energy of Uranus the most acutely, especially the fixed signs. Uranus encourages us to be true to ourselves, even if it challenges the status quo.

Venus and Saturn are joining forces in Pisces during this Moon, exact on 19 January, and the energy is building during this Moon. With Venus in sensitive, dreamy, idealistic Pisces, this brings greater empathy, romance, compassion, heartfelt connection, acceptance and the potential for unconditional love to our relationships. However, it can also mean that we have the rose-tinted spectacles on and might project our own ideals and fantasies onto the other person rather than relating to them and their flawed humanity. 

This is where Saturn comes in, bringing us down to earth and giving a healthy dose of reality! Saturn can also help us to create better boundaries, which is not exactly Pisces’ strong point. Saturn and Venus can help us to look at the long game when it comes to our relationships and to do whatever work is needed to solidify and cement them so that they have a greater chance of longevity. Saturn is the planet of commitment that helps us to lay down the foundations, brick by brick, slowly, surely, steadily. However, there is also the potential for us having to confront some difficult material, as Saturn doesn’t shy away from looking at what isn’t working. If we are willing to do the work, however, it could help make our relationships stronger and more “real”. 

The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 25° Cancer, is a powerful one, which makes sense as the North Node has moved into Pisces: “A will-full man is overshadowed by a descent of superior power”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive, will-full endeavours. We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing his life problems. To him comes a Pentecostal descent of power. He receives the “mantle of power,” the grace (Baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture. In this symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of “success.” It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT.”

May we all experience that moment of grace! Although there is some Mars energy around during this Moon, which could mean that we are a bit more sensitive and easily triggered, it does feel like the gentle, sensitive, flowing Pisces energy is very prevalent during this Moon. Combined with the energy of this Cancer Moon, the Pisces North Node is here to help us to find compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others, and to truly accept that all that has happened over the course of our lifetime has led us to where we are now. We can’t change what has been, and if we have any regrets then we can simply vow to do better next time. There is no point beating ourselves up over it.  

Cancer is the part of us that can tend to look back into the past and sometimes wishes that things could have turned out another way. It is our emotional intelligence and capacity to nurture and is also the vulnerable little child in us that sometimes feels insecure and needy. Capricorn helps us to be our own loving parent and caretaker, reminding us that ultimately we are only responsible for our own actions and reactions, and to act from a place of maturity and integrity. The Pisces energy helps us to let go of any judgement, blame, shame, guilt and resentment and to trust the flow of life, finding graceful acceptance of all that is. 

Much Love



Art by Susan Seddon Boulet


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