Exact at 12.26pm UK time (BST)

This is a big, bold, brave Full Moon, in true Aries style! It is a supermoon, which means that it appears larger in the night sky and has a greater impact on our minds, bodies and spirits. It is also in independent, brave, direct, enthusiastic and impulsive Aries, the first sign of the zodiac that represents the initial spark that can easily start a raging fire! This Moon is activating the relationship axis of Libra and Aries, the two signs that represent our need to be in relationship to other (Libra) and our need to be our own person (Aries). Ultimately, we are called to find a balance between the two signs, rather than veering too far in one direction or the other.

In quite simple terms, Libra is the sign of peace and Aries is the god of war. Libra is the part of us that tends to acquiesce or turn a blind eye to certain issues in order to maintain a sense of peace and harmony, not wanting to rock the boat or cause friction. It is the part of us that strives to be reasonable and struggles with harsh or “ugly” emotional reactions. Aries, however, is the part of us that isn’t afraid to bring thorny issues out into the open, confronting them head on in order to find some kind of resolution. In an ideal world we would have the courage to bring challenging issues up in a kind, loving and considered way, rather than simply acting or reacting from a hurt, angry, triggered or wounded place. However, sometimes feelings just rise up in us and demand release, which is the Aries way, and at least we are being honest, open, direct and real when we express what we are feeling, even if it doesn’t quite come out in the most refined, gentle or delicate manner!

During this particular Moon, we also have Chiron the Wounded Healer sitting right next to the Moon in Aries, which brings the potential for our wounds and insecurities being activated, and could make us more sensitive, reactive, easily hurt, defensive and emotional than we might usually be. However, this is such an opportunity for healing, even though it might feel a bit uncomfortable! We are called to be brave enough to actively confront painful memories and look at our unhelpful patterns, and to address any issues that are coming up for us so that we can work through them. It takes courage to show our wounded selves to others and to be vulnerable enough to express when we are hurt in a way that they can accept and understand. It takes courage to face ourselves and admit that we feel hurt, or rejected, or weak. It takes courage to bring uncomfortable issues out into the open.

Those of us with personal planets or angles around 21° of a sign will be feeling the healing energy of Chiron the most acutely, especially in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This may bring feelings of rejection and our core wounds being activated, which could be painful and yet bring such potential for healing. Aries is a very brave energy, which helps us to look at our wounds without flinching and to do whatever is needed to work through whatever we are facing.

Interestingly, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is very present during this Moon, as it is forming a dynamic square aspect to the Sun, Moon and Chiron, a harmonious trine aspect to Neptune, while also working towards an opposition to Pluto. That’s a lot of Mars! We could be forced, in no uncertain terms, to confront our core wounds, and could find ourselves more easily triggered, with some strong emotions coming to the surface. Mars is in Cancer at the moment, which can bring up anger and outbursts of emotion that come from our wounded inner child and could seem quite irrational.

We may find ourselves at odds with others somehow, but the tension can push us to confront issues that we usually tend to shy away from. We have a chance here to practice asserting ourselves and expressing our anger and strong emotions in a healthy, constructive way, although that might not be very easy if our buttons are being pushed! Chiron in Aries encourages us to have the courage to simply be ourselves and to embrace all that we are, rather than doubting or bending ourselves out of shape to be something we are not in order to feel loved or accepted. Mars definitely brings the potential for heated emotions, hurt feelings and reactivity, but it also helps us to be brave and bring anything out into the open so that we can find healing and resolution. Better out than in!

Neptune is forming a flowing, harmonious trine aspect to both Venus and Mars, which helps to soften the fiery energy of this Full Moon. Neptune brings the potential for true acceptance, sensitivity to other’s feelings, heartfelt connection and the capacity for compassion and empathy towards one another, even while facing uncomfortable or challenging material. Venus is right at the end of Scorpio, calling for us to deepen our intimacy and trust, penetrating to the core of whatever we are dealing with. There is certainly a lot of potential for friction during this Moon, which can bring out our vulnerabilities and expose our tender underbellies, but this can ultimately bring us closer together and help us to understand each other better.

The connection between Neptune and Venus, which is exact on Wednesday, can bring a deeper, more loving connections and greater understanding and acceptance of the parts of each other that we might deem “ugly”, shameful, scary or unacceptable. It can help us to transcend egoic attachment and embrace a higher expression of love.  We are invited to connect on a deeper level and see beyond our façades, walls and protective layers to the core of our being. This doesn’t feel like an easy Moon, per se, as some challenging and hitherto repressed material could come out into the light, but what is revealed through the process could be tremendously healing and ultimately bring greater understanding, depth and intimacy to our relationships.

Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign, especially the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will feel the tender, compassionate, dissolving, flowing energy of Neptune and Venus most strongly, not to mention that Pluto is also sitting at 29° Capricorn, having recently turned direct. We are having the last little foray into all things Capricorn before Pluto goes into Aquarius for good on 19 November, which calls for us to face any unhelpful karmic patterns or issues around power and control, purging unhealthy conditioned habits and patterns, and dismantling any decaying structures in our lives that simply no longer serve. 

The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 25° Aries, is an intriguing one: “The possibility for man to gain experience at two levels of being” which Dane Rudyar describes as “The revelation of new potentialities. In some unspecified way the symbol is a guarantee that man can operate successfully at two levels of consciousness, if he has previously met the condition mentioned in the preceding symbol. “Be open. Be able and willing to shape your translucent mind on the form revealing spiritual fulfilment. And you will be able to experience life and power on inner as well as outer planes.” The implied message is one of faith. Man can only truly experience what he deeply believes he can experience. This symbol announces the possibility of a new step in evolution, but it is still only a possibility, a promise. The individual is truly ON PROBATION.”

This Moon certainly seems to be calling for us to be honest, open and brave! Full Moons always hold the potential for emotions riding high and for hitherto repressed material coming out into the light, but this one could be especially volatile! There is an invitation here for us to lay our cards out on the table and to have the courage to truly express all that we are and all that we are feeling, even if it feels uncomfortable and isn’t exactly “pretty”. Aries is the part of us that acts first and thinks later, and sometimes that can be a good thing, because at least it is real and is not filtered through the lens of what is “reasonable” or “acceptable”. This Moon has such amazing healing potential if we are brave enough to drop the protective walls of so-called decency and reveal the fullness of who we truly are, warts and all.

Much Love



Painting by Arturas Slapsys

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